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Channel Boosts FAQ Channels can now share stories. If you're a Telegram Premium subscriber, you can help your favorite channels by boosting them. With your🌟 Telegram Premium subscription, you get one boost on top of your other perks – which you can give to any channel. Channels that reach Level 1 are able to post one story per day. The more boosts a channel has, the more stories it can post – letting users decide which channels they want to see stories from. Q: Why do bigger channels need more boosts? A: To reach Level 1, a channel currently needs boosts from 0.4% of its subscribers. So, more subscribers mean more total boosts are required. Q: How many levels are there? A: There are 100 levels. A Level 100 channel can share up to 100 stories a day. Q: How long does my boost last? A: Once you boost a channel, it keeps your boost unless your Premium expires or you decide to boost another channel. Q: Can I switch my boost to a different channel? A: Yes, you can move your boost to another channel every 24 hours. Q: Can I buy spare boosts? A: Currently, that’s not possible. We may introduce more ways to get boosts for channels later. Subscribe • All Premium Features
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