Топ посты
💡IdeaTON in Saint Petersburg The next in-person meetup - IdeaTON, will take place in Saint Petersburg less than a week from now. The venue can only accommodate 50 people, so attendees are kindly asked to fill out a special form containing a task. If you think are the right person to attend IdeaTON - please fill out this form outlining, in your opinion, what should be considered the most necessary project in our ecosystem. If your idea is indeed interesting and useful, you will receive a personal invitation through a private message. IMPORTANTIMPORTANT❗️ - By filling out the form, you confirm that you will definitely attend the event. Each person will receive an invitation and a personal pass - If you haven't received an invitation, it doesn't mean that your idea wasn't liked. Most likely, there are no more spots available - TON Society CIS is looking forward to meeting you - future or current founders You can also check out the photos and concepts presented at IdeaTON on March 24 in Moscow. Your ideological @TonPost
@vardexxx — founder —— Post Chat — @TonPostChat ____ This channel provides insider and first-hand information about the project. If you share it elsewhere, make sure to mention us as the source! ❤️