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✈️Pavel Durov considers launching Telegram IPO Today, the international business newspaper Financial Times published an article on Pavel Durov's vision for Telegram. Here are the main takeaways: - The developers team is made of only 50 people. Each Telegram user costs the messenger $0.7 per year - Operating expenses are about €630 million or nearly 62.3 billion rubles per year - Telegram has reached 900 million active users, becoming one of the most popular social media applications - The messenger generates hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue and will become profitable by 2024-2025, according to its founder - Potential investors value it at $30+ billion - Durov will not sell the company but considers IPO, his team may sell a portion of shares to the users - Monetization is crucial to remain independent - The IPO could take place by March 2026 Two insiders commented that Telegram aims for a listing in the USA as soon as the company becomes profitable and market conditions improve. Pavel Durov stated that an IPO would provide additional investments required for working on AI features. In particular, Telegram is exploring the possibility of an AI-based chatbot. Already this March, an update will allow for creating chatbots with integrated AI. From April 6th to 9th, the Web3/AI Summit, dedicated to the most advanced technologies in the field of Web3 and artificial intelligence will be held in Tokyo. Steve Yoon and John Hyman will star as guest speakers to talk about the TON-based Web3 ecosystem and Telegram. The TON price reacted to this by spiking up to $3.2; it is likely that more news will be revealed during the presentation that will lead to further growth. Some users are still unaware of the tremendous future potential of this app. Stay tuned, we will keep sharing more details of these wonderful and web-revolutionary ecosystems with you. Your IPO @TonPost
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