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Culture War Room

Гео и язык канала: Россия, Русский
Категория: Политика
Say the quiet part out loud.
Гео и язык канала
Россия, Русский
It's a prescription for Lizzo. Rich people get Ozempic, poor people get body positivity.
Davy and Natalie Lloyd were two humble Christian missionaries who tried to help the children of Haiti. Instead, they had their lives brutally cut short by a gang of savages who tortured them and set their bodies on fire. Remember them.
Business Insider should drink bleach. For science.
African asylum seekers slaughtering each other in the streets of Sheffield UK with machetes and the media doesn't even cover it. Just the absolute state of it.
Black Lives Matter.
Ukrainians be like: "How dare you talk about our sham democracy" Also Ukrainians: "Give us money or else." The parasites of Europe.
Gov. Kathy Hochul: “Young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word ‘computer’ is.”
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